This category was established at the creation of the Wharf District Council in 2010. As a vertical community, the Wharf District agreed the neighborhood was best served by a dues-paying organization, made up of residential condominium associations; nonprofit institutions; and businesses, both large and small.
Annual corporate membership dues: $4000
Annual small business membership dues: $1500
Each member organization:
Pays yearly dues
Maintains a seat on the WDC Board of Directors
Has one vote on behalf of the group they represent
Is permitted two member representatives who serve on the Executive Committee, one of which is the voting member
Can attend WDC meetings and events
Stays on the Council’s mailing list to receive the latest WDC information
Gets highlighted in promotional materials
Members can participate by:
Serving on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee
Sitting on the Advisory Board
Serving/chairing committees and project teams
Representing the WDC when necessary
Member organizations are recognized on WDC marketing and information materials, including the website.

Associate Silver: $125
Associate Gold: $500
Associate Platinum: $1,000
Individual members pay yearly dues.
This membership level is non-voting.
Members can participate by:
Serving on committees and project teams
Sitting on the Advisory Board
Representing the WDC when necessary
Attending WDC meetings and events
Members are on the Council’s mailing list to receive the latest WDC information
Costs: $60 or more
A Friend of the Wharf District Neighborhood means being a supporter of the WDC with a donation of $60 or more and/or volunteering on a project or program.
This level includes:
Acknowledgement in our “End of the Year Newsletter” and our website
Invitation to WDC meetings and events
Being on the Council’s mailing list to receive the latest WDC information